

Working programs that demonstrate a variety of techniques with Windows, using C, C++, Java, MFC and DirectX.

WebMessage - SMS messaging and Outlook interfaces

QuickResNT - display modes and taskbar icons

CPPtoHTML - format C/C++/Java files in HTML.

DownloadURL - download the contents of a URL to a file.

BooleanParse - RPN stacks and expression parsing.

Countdown - RPN stack evaluation.

Solitaire - an implementation of the classic card game Patience, also known as Solitaire, in Java.

Personal Projects

m-math - A mathematical typesetting engine for Web pages, currently in use on my Fourier analysis tutorial.

Embedded TEX - an interface to the popular typesetting engine LATEX for use in Microsoft Word, etc. 


Copyright © David McCabe, 1998 - 2001. All rights reserved.

You will need to download and install the m-math control to display any equations on this Web site. Without this control, you will not see most of the equations. Please do not e-mail me asking why the equations do not display!

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