// Input.h
//  Input-handling code

#ifndef __INPUT_H__
#define __INPUT_H__

// Tables and data in main source file
extern  HWND        hWndMain;
extern  GUID        g_guidApp;
extern  DWORD       g_dwGenre;
extern  LPCTSTR     g_tszActionMapName;
extern  DIACTION    g_rgActions[];
extern  DWORD       g_nActions;

// Application-specific function
void HandleAction(UINT nAction, DWORD dwData);

// Functions declared in input.cpp
BOOL InitDirectInput();
void ExitDirectInput();
void AcquireDevices();
void UnacquireDevices();
void CheckInput();

// DirectInput object
extern  IDirectInput8           *g_pDI;
// Array of devices that we will be using
extern  LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8    *g_pDeviceArray;
// Number of devices to handle
extern  int                     g_nDevices;
